пятница, 11 мая 2012 г.

корзина для шнура дизайнер  Lars Matthiessen нахлыстовик который много лет ловит рыбу на муху ... он из Дании.2007 году он начал производство данной корзины для шнура на сегодняшний день это самый удобный и практичный вариант то-что есть на рынке!!!

заказать ее можно прямо у Ларса на сайте  Linekurv.dk
Блог Ларса http://strippingbasket.wordpress.com/

In Denmark saltwater flyfishing for sea trout is very popular and through the years more and more people have been using stripping baskets to facilitate casting in this kind of flyfishing with many long casts. Stripping baskets have been bought or made at home but a lot of these are not in use as the disadvantages have outweighted the advantages. Now the experience of many years of flyfishing have led to the design of the linekurv.dk (strippingbasket.dk in danish) and it has so far received very positive reactions from all test persons. Now you can can benefit from all the years of experience put into this product. We at linekurv.dk are convinced that we have designed the best stripping basket on the market, regardless of price, but at a fair price.
Lars Matthiessen

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